Friday, August 7, 2009

Im encouraged!

Well, yesterday was a good day for Jennifer Boggs... It was my final class for this session, and let me tell you... I was never so happy to see a session end. This was a really tough one for me! I had some pretty tough classes. And if you couple that with the fact that I am quite the procrastinator... It has made this last week of school pretty stressful! But the good news is that I do my best work under pressure, so it was all completed and I'm DONE. Yesterday I took the day off to finish up some school work, and I also had an appt with Dr Krahn to get my lap-band tightened up a bit. ( The pic attached is of Dr Krahn and I)I have days where I get a lil discouraged with the lap band because the weight comes off so much slower than alot of people that I know that have had gastric bypass. Anyways, my last fill was at the end of June, and since then I had lost 20 pounds. I was really surprised when they told me that. My doc was VERY pleased with my progress, and wasn't completely convinced that I really needed another fill. Of course, I wanted one because I still felt like I could eat a little too much. So, I got my fill, and I am now on a liquid diet until Sunday. That is no fun! I am hoping that my fill is ok, because I have noticed that I have had a lil bit of a hard time getting the protein shakes down, and even big gulps of water are a lil rough... But I think in a few days it will all even out. Dr. Krahn was very interested in the fact that I blog, and he asked me to get on his website and blog. I have to check it out, but I am very interested because I want to meet people like myself So my grand total as of yesterday is 52 pounds. I will take it! My goal was to lose 100 pounds before my one year "bandiversary" lol...and I am on track to get there, and probably exceed that. Yesterday when I left the doctor's office and was driving to school I was thinking about my decision to have this surgery. I saw alot of people in the waiting room yesterday that were considering weight loss surgery, and I felt their pain. I know how miserable it can be at times to be overweight, and you honestly feel like there is no way out. I had myself convinced that I would always be fat, and my life would be lacking forever because of it. For the first time in years, I really believe that I am not going to be fat forever, and its the best feeling. As I was driving, I just started crying because I can really see myself changing, and its a good thing :) I don't know what my future holds, but I sure hope that in the mix somewhere is a good man who will love me for me, and can see past the scars of the fat girl that I used to be.... Anyways... I'm happy today :) I'm thinner, I have no homework, and to top it all off, Jack is spending the weekend with me!

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